Saturday, October 07, 2006


On the 29th August 1966 Sayyid departed from this world with a broken neck either into the arms of 72 Virgins or hell (and only Allah knows which). In one way it was good yet in another it was sad. It was good in terms that Zarqawi and others were killed and bin Laden and al Zawahiri and others will be killed. They are corruptors of Islam and death is the only solution for such people (if you locked them up you would have a gaggle of misfits killing innocent people to release them)

It was also sad as Sayyid was at one stage a very holy Muslim. A soul who wrote amongst other gems “In the Shade of the Koran” Unfortunately he was corrupted by his misunderstanding of his Koran, his fascists ways, his hatred for all cultures other than his own and his twisted concept of morality. If only his humility matched his holiness then perhaps he may have assisted Islam to develop into a help for the community instead of being an oppressive yolk on tyranny on them. However these characteristics of Sayyid can be said to apply to many of the other Islamists like Banna, Mawdudi, Khomeini, Iqbal, Shariati and perhaps the big boy himself who miss appropriate their Islam into the political sphere. As with most holy people, a potential fascist tends to reside under the cloak of self righteousness.

When I first thought of this Blog I had a thought in the back of my mind that this group of neo Kharjites might celebrate Sayyid’s departure from this world with an “event”. I Googled in his name to monitor two weeks before the 29th August to see who would noticed the anniversary. I got one from a Muslim web site. So much for being a terrorist hero. A prophet is eventually always disregarded by his own.

The hypothesis of this blog is that this neo Kharijite tendency of Islam is the conjunction/alignment of the Four Horsemen of the Islamic Apocalypse- Tawhid, Tajdid Isleh, Ijtihad and Jahiliyyah. The four points of what you might call the Arabic Diamond. These words and their meaning for Islamists, I believe, hold the key to the Islamic world misery and to the ordinary Moslem’s usually lowly state in the world community.

Tawhid, the Oneness with God, is the source of Islamic Fascism; Tajdid Islah, the renewal, is the perpetual degradation of Muslim welfare and rationalism by holy Islamic charismatic misfits, who could recite the Koran by the time they were six years old and nothing else, and who push down the throats of ordinary Moslems their reading of the Koran and their form of Islamic morality and superiority; Jahiliyyah, the schizophrenic object for Moslems both wanting and rejecting modernity while sliding into abject depression on earth hoping to attain heaven in the next and finally Ijtihad, rational reasoning, the two sided coin that can be used to attain peace or war with the world community and themselves.

This blog is to explore these four words to explain 9/11 and to bring Islam and Moslems into the world community as an equal rather than a dominant or colonial civilization. I invite people of good faith to involve themselves in this blog (preferably not to try and bring it down, condemn it or ridicule it) to present and discuss the views of this hypothesis or to generate others. Depending upon this involvement the blog may last a day or go on for ever. It is not for the faint hearted but for those who seek and like human rational truth. It looks at the big picture, the world view like an alien looking down on earth would. So you need to get out of your religious/human clothing and explore the topic as much as your intellect can and allows you to.

As little old me see it for Moslem extremist Tawhid confirms the religious imperative for a religious totalitarian dictatorship to protect the ordinary Muslim from being tempted by Jahiliyyah. It usually rears its ugly head by the miss guided enthusiasm of charismatic Moslem fools acting out Tajdid Isleh through their own version of Ijtihad when they think their fellow Muslims are in cahoots with Jahiliyyah,. As this approach has been and is being used ever since Mohammad began hearing the Voice, it is no wonder that the Moslem world community is as it is. It will take a mighty Moslem intellectual to bring them out of their misery into true Islam with the world community. As I will explain in latter blogs I don’t think that Moslem member of “Time's 100 World Intellectuals” list is him/her.


Dave the Brave


Blogger Scott Wallace said...

Connect the dots Qutb-Nazis-College State Teacher's College.
Were there Nazi sympathesizers at the college during that time?

Why Greeley?
Does anyone know if Qutb's selection of Greeley (Colorado State Teacher's College) has anything to do with his sympathy for and identification with the Nazis and the Nazi War criminals offered refuge in Egypt at the end of World War II?

4:12 PM  

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